Class Narratives
Last Updated on: Tuesday, January 03, 2023 05:18:10 PM

     Note: Class narratives are a summary of the class graduation statistics such as how many graduated, how many started the class, distinguished graduate, honor graduates, military stakes winner, class average, and guest speaker.  Narratives are in pdf file format. Doug Burmester is the author of the narratives.
Fiscal Year 1966
9-66  A1
12-66  A2
14-66  B1
15-66  B2
16-66  D1
17-66  D2
18-66  C1
19-66  C2
20-66  E1         
21-66  E2 updated
22-66  F1          
23-66  F2
24-66  B2
25-66  D2
26-66  D1
27-66  A1
Fiscal Year 1967
1-67  C2
2-67  B1
3-67  E1
4-67  E2
5-67  F2
6-67  A2
7-67  C1
8-67  B2
9-67  D2
10-67  A1
11-67  G1
12-67  F1 
13-67  G2  14-67  H1 15-67  D1
16-67  H2
17-67  C2  18-67  B1 19-67  E1
20-67  E2 
21-67  F2  22-67  A2
23-67  C1
24-67  B2
25-67  D2
26-67  A1
27-67  G1
28-67  F1
29-67  G2
30-67  D1
31-67  C2
32-67  B1
Fiscal Year 1968
1-68  E1
2-68  E2
3-68  F2
4-68  A2/D2
5-68  B2

     Keep your contact information current. OCS graduates update your contact information with Doug Burmester.

"Forge the Thunderbolt"