Photos 16-66 D1
Last Updated on: Saturday, December 12, 2015 04:41:03 PM
  • View a photo by selecting the link below the photo.  Use the "photos" link in the navigation column to view other classes photos.
  • Photos can be freely used by Fort Knox OCS graduates and cadre. Use is granted for personal use only. Use on any other web site or in commercial publications is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the photo's owner.

1st Platoon
provided by Ron Demery

provided by Ron Demery

Paul Phillips/bivouac
  provided by Ron Demery

provided by Ron Demery

MG Wright/Gen Abrams
provided by Ron Demery

Thomas Thompson
provided by Ron Demery

2nd Platoon
provided by
Ron Demery

Changing Tabs
provided by Ron Demery

Some OC Wives
provided by Ron Demery

Jerry Ivey
provided by Ron Demery

Ron Demery
provided by Ron Demery

3rd Platoon
provided by
Ron Demery

Louis Plank
provided by Ron Demery

2nd Plt/Tac Visit
provided by Ron Demery

James Wright
provided by Ron Demery

Paul Phillips
provided by Ron Demery

Basketball Team
provided by Ron Demery

Senior Party
provided by Ron Demery

Senior Party
provided by Ron Demery

MG Wright
provided by Ron Demery

provided by Ron Demery

     Keep your contact information current. OCS graduates update your contact information with Doug Burmester.

"Forge the Thunderbolt"